Dnes jsem byl spolu s šesti kolegy oficiálně jmenován StrongFirst Team Leaderem. 

Gratuluji kolegům, děkuji Pavlovi Tsatsoulinovi za důvěru, a všem StrongFirst učitelům, kolegům, žákům i fanouškům za podporu.

Síla, loajalita, čest a závazek! 

Pavel Macek, student síly


Today, together with six colleagues, I was oficialy promoted to StrongFirst Team Leader.

Congratulations to my colleagues, special thanks to Pavel Tsatsouline for his trust, and thanks to all StrongFirst teachers, colleagues, students and fans.

Strength, loayality, honor, and obligation. 

Pavel Macek, student of strength

Pavel Macek, student of strength
